Quickly Activate Your Free Personal Daily Survey & Begin
Improving Your Productivity


Focus Bender is designed to be extremely simple and easy to use. When you register for an account you will be able to choose the frequency of the survey. We suggest that you either receive it daily Monday thru Friday or Monday thru Sunday.

You will receive a daily email each morning. You should take a couple of minutes before you get distracted by the day to read each question, think about it for a few seconds and then answer them based on what you did your previous workday.

If you don’t answer the survey during the day, you won’t be able to go back and answer the questions for that day. Once you start answering the questions the tool will begin to track your answers and you can look at the results over time to see how you are progressing on each of the questions.

We have started with a simple bare bones set of features. We will add additional surveys and features over time as we learn more about how well things are working. We appreciate feedback from our users.